Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Psalm 139 – the Believer’s Prayer

O God, You have searched me by name, and there is no doubt that You know me.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
Lord, You know everything I ever do, including every thought I ever think, and nothing can be hidden from You, even though I and all creation partake in secret things. Help me be honest before You, Lord, and also to not be put to shame. This dualistic reality—to be honest, and to not be ashamed—is only possible through You, Lord. To know I sin and to know I’m not condemned, yet how you call me higher to goodness.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
Lord, You make it possible for me to relate with You by the immortal bond of life under Your covering, whether I choose to deny You or not. If I deny You, I still cannot stop relating with You. This is a soothing truth.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
You know before I utter a lie exactly the untruth I’ll say. Nothing is hidden from Your knowledge or sight. You are behind me, in front of me, on top of me, underneath me, indeed, even in me within the depths of my visceral being.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
How can I know You, Lord? Your ways are so much higher and infinitely majestic. I cannot know what You know, yet You desire that I would know You, and You make Yourself available to me; nothing of You is withheld from me, and yet I can only know so much.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
There is nowhere I can go, and You wouldn’t know. You know my days, my presence, my thoughts, my ways. You know me when I’m near to You and when I’m far from You. Within every place and every state, You are ready to hold me and guide me. All I have to say is, “Yes, please, Lord.”
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
Lord,You exist in the fullness of light in pitch darkness, and if I hide in that darkness You see me plain as day! And You even created me in darkness, without any human knowledge; in the depth of my mother’s womb You made me as sacredly as any creature. As each cell multiplied and became myriads of myriads, tissue upon tissue, You knit each part of the fabric of me together to Your holy satisfaction and for Your kingdom purpose; all in sacred safety. Even before my frame was clothed, even before I took a breath, You ordained all my days down to the foundation of moments, each with its divine purpose. The preciousness of Your thoughts about me are infinite and how foolish would I be to attempt to count them? Your grace is amazing, and Your love is dazing. I can’t imagine how good You actually are.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
And that You would ask me what I think of the wicked! I hate them with a holy hatred, Lord, that implores Your Spirit to hasten them to repent before You. Call them to the truth, Lord, but if they ignore You, Lord, I will speak Your justice at the right time. Help me discern it, Lord. And of that measure to do only that which would make Your name known for the wonderful name it is.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
I believe in You to the extent of this, Lord. Bring me to the knowledge of my ways. Bring me to account for each and every thought, affection, will and desire—good, bad and indifferent. Give me this knowledge of self in the glory of Your truth. Make me never shy away from what is real but make me to shun lies that come from within me and that are shed abroad through word, gesture and action. Know me in the anxieties of my insecurity and make me to shun the hiding I’m tempted to engage in.
I know this and I therefore I believe this.
Always. For. Ever. More. AMEN.

Photo by Ravi Pinisetti on Unsplash

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