Friday, September 20, 2019

Respect known by another name

Can you imagine what I’m called when I appear in the behaviour of one to another; and it doesn’t matter whether you’re male or female, white, black, brown or ginger, northern hemisphere or southern. For all have a claim of respect.
Whether I’m seen out-and-about, behind closed doors (even better here though!), or anywhere else is inconsequential. Others notice me most in my absence; when there is evidence of rudeness and crudeness.
When I’m seen, it’s clear that I live for the other person, even as I in doing it receive life from God. I’m a form of respect. The regalest form.
People notice me, of course, but they may struggle to put their finger on it. They see me as pleasant, as attractive, even kind.
Many people think it’s men who most need me, but I can tell you that this is a form of respect that women crave more than men, but I’m not for one moment saying that men don’t desire it much.
Oh yes, this one’s proof that women need respect as much as they need love. When my name is revealed you’ll know why.
My name is gentleness.
Women love a gentle man, for instance. Yes, that’s a common name given to men—gentlemen. So, what happened? When us men demand to be respected, we’re not being gentle. Gentleness demands nothing.
Yet, gentleness is also a requirement if we understand the need of respect across the board.
Gentle men are not ‘softies’, but in appearing gentle, men who do not get it will see a softness that grates. Gentleness is the decorum of reliability and sacrifice—the heart of God exhibited as in the fruit of the Spirit. When we bear this capacity of respect, whoever we are, we have the ability to win humanity to friendship; no strings, just mutual safety and coherence.
Respect is ecumenical. Everyone needs to be respected. 
And gentleness is respect known by another name. 
Be gentle with another person and they’re respected. 
When they’re gentle with us, we feel respected.
Gentleness is the centrality of respect that resolves conflict and speaks a breezy peace.

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