Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sing this song of love over your loved ones

Here is a prayer to sing over those you love.
Oh love, I love you with such an indescribable love that words cannot express, nor can action show, what I have in my mind and heart for you, that I just wish I could do and continually do and never stop doing, for you.
I wish it were the case that I could say and do all the things that I think and feel toward you, and for you, and with you, never acting against you.
My heart longs for the situation where you are at peace, where all about you is hope, and truly all you experience is joy. My soul yearns for radiance to shine forth through you, that all your dreams would come to be within reach and be able to be fulfilled, that all about you would be vivacity, buoyant vulnerability and vision.
But so very sadly, it is to be, and is actually the case, that life cannot ever be like this. This fact leaves me bereft of response, saddened for a reality I would want to reverse.
It causes my heart pain simply to acknowledge that life cannot be controlled to the extent with which I would want your life blessed. If I want this for you, truly I would do anything to help you to bring it about, if only I could. I would do this. If only I could.
My heart aches and groans for the fact that yours does. And my mind doesn’t stop thinking about you. My grimaces of anguish suffer for the sole purpose that you are still not where you want to be. I want it for you… so much!
But let me sing this song over you.
Let me sing a song of hope and of peace and of joy, so you would know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I am for you and never against you.
Even if I acted in a way that would leave you doubtful, I do hope and pray that part of you will see that my intent cannot help but love you.
Let me sing this song over you.
Let my prayer of love soothe your senses and fill your void. And if only it could! Surely I know in fact, even as I muse on the theory, that all of what I say is an aspiration, but it is still the devotion of love the drives my heart interminably toward you. For you. With you. By your side. Always.
I cannot bear for you to be in pain, but I realise and recognise and accept that I cannot control every nuance or semblance of reality. My heart is charged to want good for you, and to keep believing in you, no matter what, and my belief in you will never fail, even if it is that you thought that I did give up on you. I never will.
I pray that you would grant me the benefit of the doubt when I disappoint you, but even if you don’t, I will keep trying anyway, because my love for you means more to me than life itself.
I’m captivated by love for you. My life is absorbed in yours, and yet, even as I think, I’m so blessed by the love that God poured out my way by the very thought of you in my mind, and what God gave me as you rest indelibly on my heart. This thought gives me such gratitude.
But my song for you remains. My spirit will go with you, whether I’m here or at home with the Lord. You will always have me, even when you don’t. My love will remain, it will abide, it will go on, ever and ever, for you, for your ‘ever’, before we are reunited in the heavenlies.
I do thank God for this love in my heart for you that connects me to life itself.

Photo by Jamez Picard on Unsplash

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