Thursday, January 23, 2020

Moving forward into freedom from the pain of past

We all have things that cause us pain if we look back. Yet, as we look forward, not denying what is still an affront, we step away from the pain, and step forward into purpose.
Such is the opportunity afforded anyone who would not continue to pick away at a bleeding sore in order to just let it heal without constantly interrupting it.
Sometimes as we leave things, we don’t realise until many years later, that those things were meant to be left. Only as we look back, where these painful things of past no longer have a hold over us, do we recognise the truth that was always there, but could not be seen until we let go.
It’s not for all situations or for all people, but there are many who might read these words and say, “Yes, these are the right ones for me right now.”
As we step away from the past we feel beleaguered by, we step away from the despair of not being able to impact or influence a situation that is actually gone. We step forward into positions where influence comes as its own gift for walking away and surrendering that moment afresh to God.
We step away from those places God does not want us lingering, and we step into the destiny our Lord is calling us into—a fresh space, a new thing!
As we take the initial steps, we may still feel encumbered, as if this is not natural, good or right. These are steps of faith! And faith doesn’t always feel natural, good or right. If it did it wouldn’t be faith.
As the initial steps are taken, little by little disempowerment dwindles and wanes.
Little by little, freedom takes over. Little by little, joy returns. And peace. And hope.
As the steps are taken in obedience, a new flourishing begins to open up and blossom. These are always things we hadn’t expected to experience or receive, such is the wonderful goodness of God to design something awesome in the wake of something horrendous.
As we leave behind what God has intentioned must now be left behind, we find we gather a new voice, a new confidence, a new freedom, and a new reign over ourselves.
We may begin to giggle and laugh again, for finally we see the folly of remaining staid in the pain.
As we continue to step into the destiny awaiting us, we find God has prepared not only “things” but also a brand-new identity in Christ for us to dwell in.
And yet, and this is so ironic, it wasn’t brand-new at all—it simply has now been discovered, perhaps as a long-promised thing that God always had for us, if only we would surrender our past in trust for our destined present and future.
There is beauty beyond the pain, and yet the paradox remains, there would be no beauty at all if not for the pain! Can any of us figure this out? No, figuring it out isn’t the point.
Smile in the presence of mystery, for your healing has come close this day!

Photo by Vek Labs on Unsplash

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