Sunday, March 8, 2020

It’s normal to feel sad, angry, upset, disappointed, fearful, betrayed, worried...

It’s normal to feel wonderful.  Joy is a capacity we all have.  Peace is a gift that we will all experience.  Love for all that is good.  But it’s also normal to feel those other things we don’t like to feel.
It’s normal to feel sad and to be tempted to cover it up, perhaps because you don’t want to feel vulnerable, or for fear that you’ll be judged.  It’s normal.
It’s normal to feel angry.  We all get angry, and much of it comes from a felt injustice, whether it’s right or wrong.  Listen to your heart; is it truly fear or sorrow or the feeling of being out of control?  To feel angry is normal.  It’s not sinful.  Be careful not to hurt yourself or anyone else though.
It’s normal to feel upset, which is possibly the first feeling you’ll feel as something horrid hits you.  Shock is a very normal human experience, even if it feels like death at times.  Find yourself absorbing the moment, not needing to DO anything.  It’s normal to feel upset when upsetting things happen.  It’s not sinful.
It’s normal to feel disappointed.  You set yourself a certain goal for a situation and it occurs without a thought, and so when the realisation of that goal dissolves into the ether — it’s gone and it’s not coming back — how can you feel anything else than disappointed?  It’s normal to feel gutted.  For days.  Perhaps longer.  It’s normal.  It’s not sinful.
It’s normal to be fearful.  We all have the capacity for fear.  Why on earth are we told “Don’t be afraid” so often in the Bible?  It’s precisely for the reason that we’re legitimately afraid on a regular basis.  It’s normal.  It’s not sinful.  Don’t let anyone make you feel ‘less than’ because you’re afraid.  The goal is faith and that’s a journey.  It’s normal to feel fear.
It’s normal in this relational life to feel betrayed.  It’s amazing how unimportant or miniscule the situation is, and yet we still feel it.  Then there’s the major betrayal you feel you’ll never get over.  It’s normal to feel disregarded and utterly abandoned.
It’s normal to feel worried, anxious, beside yourself.  Many situations and circumstances feel too big for us.  Nobody can rightly criticise us for worrying or feeling anxious.  If they were to love us, they would support us, listen and abide by our side.  It’s normal to be overwhelmed from time to time.
The last thing we need is to feel guilty or ashamed for these normal emotions.
Feel those emotions in the stillness of the troubling moment and reach out calmly as possible for support as you need it.
Whatever you do, don’t condemn yourself for feeling and don’t allow others to do that either.
Photo by Jasmina Rojko on Unsplash

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