Saturday, April 4, 2020

God is using this time to restore the imbalances

Having seen how various places in the world have put some of their homeless in nice hotels, God gave me a vision.  It was such an encouraging vision.
What I saw was that God was using this overall time of the coronavirus to make things more equal overall.  I saw typically anxious people being not the only ones overcome by anxiety.  I saw the general population rise to a disordered state, similar to what goes on with what people with anxiety and personality disorders experience.  I saw an equalling of the playing field.  I saw the goalposts shifting, and those who are ordinarily disadvantaged no longer so disadvantaged.
I saw the weary coming home, and those who have been favoured sent out.  I saw black sheep no longer ostracised.  I saw those who were included to the exclusion of others, excluded themselves.
I know Covid-19 is nothing to be happy about, and I am aware of how much fear there is about it, and I know there is nothing to be celebrated in losing a loved one to this awful disease.
If there is one good thing about this time it is that those who have been marginalised may have an opportunity to feel less thrown on the scrapheap of society than before Covid came.
I am aware of several people with anxiety disorders and ADHD and the like who finally feel much more understood in these times.
Whilst there is nothing truly wonderful about the rise of society’s ambient anxiety, it is actually a significant encouragement to those for whom an anxiety disorder is normal.
Whilst visions are very imprecise measures of what God is actually doing, I do know the heart of God is to privilege the underprivileged, and to honour those who go without honour.
The heart of Jesus is for the one who has been rejected by the world, and in this world’s terms, it is the one who has been rejected by kith and kin, first and foremost.  No wonder I saw black sheep no longer ostracised.
Could it be that those who have been on the outer for so long will now become part of the inner circle, and those who were of the inner circle, favoured and popular, will be put out to pasture?
None of us should want anyone to lose out in such a time as this, but we’d do well to think that God is righting some wrongs in this season.  Indeed, I believe God is in control and God is changing our world.
I don’t want you to read into what I’ve just said and think that I am saying God designed Covid-19 for some reason of judgement.  But there are some encouraging trends occurring throughout entire societies that would not have come about had it not been for this virus.
Photo by Lucas Clara on Unsplash

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