Sunday, January 31, 2021

Detaching from a narcissistic manipulator intimidator in your life – a series

There are those people in all our lives whom we feel safe with and there are those with whom we don’t.  It’s great to attach to safe people—we nurture and enjoy each other.  But it’s often necessary to detach from those people who regularly, consistently, constantly manipulate and intimidate.

This is merely ‘sounding the gong’ that I’m embarking on a series of exploring detachment.  I want not so much to be led by other resources on the topic, but I want to be led by you—your thoughts, your queries, your questions, your frustrations.  I’m hoping we can engage with each other through comments or DMs.  Not so much direct one-on-one counselling ministry (unless you need that) but more so, “Here’s my thought,” that I can engage with directly through an article.

One paragraph to get us thinking.

Attachment is something we do in relationships, and we’re meant to establish close bonds with people—not all people, but some people.  This is because we all need people.  But when we attach to a narcissist—and once a narcissist, always a narcissist (and you’ll get it when it happens to you)—it can be either: 1) very hard to instigate detachment, and oppositely 2) it can be very hard when you’ve been disposed of. Recognising that God loves everyone, how do you interact in kind ways when that kindness will constantly be thrown in your face through manipulation, intimidation, gaslighting, victim-blaming, etc.?  And, how do you reconcile life with this person and life without them?

Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

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