Monday, January 4, 2021

Grandiose narcissism’s deepfake grift and deception gaslighting

In preparing an article on the threats to good society that deepfake technology presents, suddenly I stared into a reality right before my eyes.  Just as deepfake technology deceives with majestic cunning, the grandiose narcissist deceives by believing their own fabrications so compellingly they convince others sublimely.

What occurs as a result is a pied piper effect — within such intellectual grand larceny, people are caused to believe strongly in lies.  They’re led a merry dance of deception beyond the realms of the rational and reasonable into comprehensive yet unknown jeopardy.

Lies are weaponised and truth appears impotent.

The audacity is unspeakable, as the scam is done in plain sight, as much so that people deny what their eyes show them plainly.

It could well be described as nonverbal gaslighting, just that there’s still a lot of verbal about it.  But when actions epitomise lies, all the while dressing as truth, ‘good people’ don’t feel justified challenging it.  Even when to do so betrays their sight.

We have one of the most visible examples performing before our eyes at this very time on the global stage.  Calling lies the truth with such consistency, he calls everyone believing in him to question and dismiss what can plainly be seen... and gets away with it.

Even when the whole world is shown irrefutable evidence, he calls it ‘fake news’, carries on with his absurdities, and gets away with it.  The more this happens, the less astonished we appear that he gets away with it, even as we’re all the more astonished that he does.

The more gaslighting goes on, the more we come to question truth and contemplate lies.

The rhetoric of this deepfake fiasco is enthralling.  It’s beyond the pale, and it’s exactly how the grandiose narcissist paints it.  He creates his very own reality and manipulates everyone else’s perceptions.  We all have front row seats as to how he works, yet insanely, we still may question some of what we see in broad daylight.

The victim of this one’s abuse has seen it all too often.  They’re desensitised to the lies, following the libellous tune to their peril, and only as they get away, do they see the criminality for what it is.

The further they go, the closer to healing they come, and the more they NEED to heal, for the disgust of such a deceit morphs, threatening to consume them, trigger upon trigger.

When the victim turns into a survivor, they convert the energy that twisted them in spiritual contortionism into a force for passionate advocacy, but they face a fresh frustration — they cannot and will not convince those being led off to the slaughter.

Vulnerable narcissists are certainly capable of leading such a merry charge, and perhaps the key component that’s spotlighted here is the grift of gaslighting.

Rather than try and define what we see when we may routinely begin to question it, we’re blessed most to simply see what we see and then name it, without playing it down through the ‘rationalisations’ of those who are either deceived or those bent on evil.

We need to reclaim belief in the witness of our plain sight.

Some people, we must now contend, lie to our faces with such authenticity they convince us to believe upon the lie.

We know when we’re in a deep mess when we begin to have our perceptions overturned and then we just don’t know what to believe — the object of gaslighting.  Evil swapped for good, good swapped for evil.

When we begin not to know what side’s right side up, we can know — if only we could stand back — that we’re being gaslighted.  Only the narcissist engages in such manipulative lunacy.

The only win is to get out.  The further we go, the more we see true.

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

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