Saturday, February 13, 2021

Why was there no Nathan for Ravi? Well, there was; they were scapegoated

“What if David’s sin was covered up because someone thought that it wasn’t right to “judge him” and instead only focus on his positives? We would be robbed of the benefit.”

This very poignant tweet by @GameArtPalettes in reply to a thread I’d replied to six weeks ago about why Ravi was no David took me straight back to a conversation my wife had with a church leader’s wife once.  The words my wife heard were, “Well, if we told the truth, that wouldn’t look very good for him, would it?”

In other words, the church leader needed to be protected at all costs because HE was the Lord’s anointed.

But was anymore more the Lord’s anointed than King David?

It is ludicrous in this era of the church where narcissists reign and co-opt allegiance from their minions in doing the devil’s work in God’s name.

Ravi, it seems, had no Nathan — nobody who challenged him.  But actually, there is evidence that there were people who challenged Ravi about his behaviour; but they didn’t last long.  They were despatched with force, and an example was seen — don’t cross Ravi!

In our personal case, we were the ones being despatched — and the conversation my wife had occurred 21 days after we lost a son to stillbirth.  All the care and compassion went toward the person who had shown no care and compassion.

It’s the same the world over, as it was in Lori Anne and Brad Thompson’s case.  They were groomed, used, abused, and spat out of the mouth of the one who — with enraged disdain — sought with all his might to destroy them.  They have been gaslit and scapegoated all these past four years.

The root cause of the issue with Ravi is Ravi himself, and the fact that the church these days loves to elevate and enable power figures, and if they’re ‘successful’, they can do anything they want.

Thankfully the reformation is occurring in our midst.  We live in a world, thankfully, that will not tolerate such heinous hypocrisy that burns souls — in the name of God!

Those, however, who have stood in the gap and spoken as Nathans have all too often been gaslit and scapegoated.

The great question before the church these days is how do we restore these torched souls?  Torched for having the gumption to tell the truth.

Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

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