Saturday, August 28, 2021

No matter how bad life gets we’re still one with another

I was reminded just now how important a soul is.  And as I remembered, I was reminded how important my soul is.  We’re precious, you and me.

Yet, as we go through life and are occasionally chewed up and spat out—by systems, people, organisations, relationships—we quickly forget that we’re priceless masterpieces made in the image of a Creator.

No matter how bad life gets we’re still one with another, and so long as we don’t neglect this fact, we’ll be okay, even if we aren’t okay.

In remembering the value of the sister, the brother, the fellow human being, we’re quickly reminded of our own value.  And even if we feel slighted, hard-done-by, exhausted and underappreciated, at least we don’t self-destruct.

In remembering our innate value to ourselves, our families, our world, our Creator—in facing our value and in our acknowledging it—we’re humbled and restored at the same time.

No matter how bad life gets, if we know our value, we’re safer than if we dismissed our value outright.

You are valuable, as valuable as anyone else who’s ever lived or will live, no matter who you are.  I don’t know what you think of Jesus, but the facts of Jesus’ life and death prove that you matter as much as anyone else, ever.

Even as I read those words of the previous paragraph, I also often need reminding.  It’s why I write this.  We all need reminding.  Occasionally we may fall for the lie that we don’t matter.  We do.

If you’re in a place of being where you’re seriously doubting your worth—and you’re not alone, because there are many of us who doubt occasionally or more often—I pray you’ll use this opportunity to be reminded.

There is nobody like you and the world needs you at this time that you’re alive.

It’s the care and the connection with another human being that will remind us of our value.

Photo by Catia Dombaxe on Unsplash

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