Sunday, August 21, 2022

Spotlighting the covert, malevolence of gaslighting

Against truth, which is about as clearcut as anyone can get, gaslighting is a powerful form of a lie, designed to throw people off the scent of truth.  Gaslighting is such a conniving deception it can truly confuse individuals and groups for years allowing one party to escape detection so they can continue on their way of harming innocents the way they’ve always done.

The way of the malevolent is often many levels of depth below that which normal people even comprehend is possible in a realm where an expected morality is only a mirage of what is actually occurring.

People wistfully go about their business, thinking they are part of a good community, blissfully unaware of the malevolence in full swing absolutely within their very sight.  It is astounding what is done that may be seen but often isn’t.

It is the occasional person with the gift of discernment that sees what most people do not see, who call awareness to it, naïvely thinking they are doing the right thing, who put themselves in the crosshairs of those who propagate sheer malice with penetrating intent.

A statement is made, where the truth is highlighted to those who are engaging in the gaslighting, those who lead the sheep to a silent slaughter.  Woah!  “That would not look good for [the leader]?”  And whether those words are actually used or not, or some other reproving statement is used, the person reporting the truth, acting as a prophet, is about to be scapegoated.

It happens in families,
it happens in workplaces,
it happens in churches,
it happens in communities.

When some things just cannot be spoken about,
it’s a narcissistic system providing cover through 
the age-old evil art of gaslighting.

The person who senses and then investigates and then sees the truth, the one who summons attention toward it, thinking they’re doing the right thing, walks headlong right into a trap.  Not only will they be dispatched by those who are innately threatened, they will lose the support and fellowship of everyone enabling the narcissistic system.

They, in full effect, are in the process of being gas-lit.

They, who have material being in a communal sense, are in the process of disappearing before everyone’s eyes.  That one who reports the truth is converted in a moment to a vapour.  An ignition source is provided in the form of a lie.  Whoof!  Gone!

There are many who will read this and wonder what all this is about.  There are many who will read this who will say, “What is this guy going on about?”  There are many who will read this who will say, “This is dangerous stuff!”  There are some who will say, “Get rid of him!  He’s revealing our modus operandi.”

The truth is a dangerous commodity for those who have a kingdom to protect.  And for those who believe in innate goodness, that truth will always be honoured, are sadly about to be consumed by the flash of light and heat.  They who are soon to be no more herald life for the entire community, but malevolence will pounce before that truth is broadcast.

That’s gaslighting for you.  It is insanely effective for ridding truth from the assembly.

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