Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Insult of Brokenness and the Ingress of Blessing

There have been times in my life when I would never stand for the things I know intuitively now are for my own suffering good.  Pride masquerading as advocacy, I would step in and insist upon my own defence.  On a worldly plane, of course, I was standing up for manipulations done against me or others.  But neither in God’s economy or the world’s does that method really work.  Yet it’s a common default to insist justice be served exactly how we see it.
Like a clock ticking in the presence of a thunderstorm, or the person unflustered bearing a tirade of abuse, there is a grand copse of wisdom in reacting via the inaction of the reflective higher mind that muses long before doing anything.
Brokenness is a state.  It’s the ability to bear an insult because humility for the pleasing of God is more important than a petty retort.  Brokenness is happy to endure the insult.  It trusts beyond the nonsensical nature of the injustices besmirched toward it.
Brokenness is a state of being, blessed from heaven exacted below, throbbing in pain, yet purposed for growth, as brokenness is from God.
Brokenness of being is a state of place in this world, of acceptance, here, so something abundantly better is being forged for later, and certainly in eternity.
Bear the insult of brokenness and bring about the ingress of blessing.
It really is how the gospel truly works in our lives.
May God truly bless you,
Steve Wickham.

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