Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Why narcissists never suffer burnout, yet empaths often do

None of what I’m about to write is a surprise, for it will make perfect sense.  Those who feature highly on the scale of narcissism will inevitably be most protected against burnout, for the simple matter that they care integrally for themselves, and they never care for others unless it is in their best interests to do so.

In sum, it’s always about them and what they can extract that matters.

Even though we all show some narcissistic tendencies from time to time, it’s the person who’s characterised for a lack of empathy, and who therefore exploits people and situations without concern for others, who feels entitled to act the way they do.


Those who burn out are those who have no qualms about sacrificing themselves for others.  Those who are given to a service mindset, those who are servant hearted, and those also who are given to perfectionism (they desperately want to do their best), are those most prone to burn out.

The sociopath, the psychopath, the narcissist, will never suffer from a condition that is inherently about absorbing the stresses that others and life will place on a human being.  For these there’s always others to put the load of their own life onto.

Sometimes it’s the person who absorbs that load that transfers it to another, and it can be that people who are not even related to the relationship who bear the costs and burdens of ONE person who refuses to take any responsibility for their life.

Much of what leads us toward burnout are causes related to a sincere desire to be effective and efficient human beings.  Burnout is essentially about being the most resilient form of ourselves over a very long time period, quintessentially without rest.  Anxiety grinds itself into us, because we need to be driven to keep up, essentially driving ourselves, and yet anxiety becomes central to the condition of our lives.  When we finish something, we don’t celebrate it, we just look for the next thing, then the next thing and so on.  And much of the time it can be about managing multiple things simultaneously.

The person most prone to burnout is usually the empath, and it is no coincidence that it is usually someone who is quite sociopathic who may be behind driving the person to that outcome.


The person who is entitled, who bears no empathy, who feels entitled to exploit another person, especially in regard to an incredibly overwhelming workload finds in the empath a person willing who will go the extra mile, a person willing to turn the other cheek, a person willing to give them a spare coat.  And the narcissist TAKES that extra mile and then some, they hit the other cheek and leave bruises mostly in the invisible places, and they take the full wardrobe.

It’s only the person who cares who tends to find themselves burned out.

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