Monday, July 4, 2022

14 things everyone feels but nobody talks about

You know those times when you feel like you’re the only person who experiences what you do—it’s that lonely feeling we’ve all experienced so many times.  (Sorry, but if you’re that one rare person who says, “Nah,” or you’re in denial, you’re not getting a say in this.)

Here are some things everyone feels but nobody ever talks about:

1.             Feeling forgotten – it’s normal to feel like some people have forgotten about us, that they’ve moved on.  Truth be known, it still hurts.  And though it doesn’t feel okay, it’s okay that we can’t put these pieces back together again.

2.             Regret – it’s normal to cycle back and forth in regret for some things we shouldn’t have done, especially when we trusted, and that trust was betrayed.

3.             Awkwardness – that sense of anxiety for simply being human and feeling too much and feeling overwhelmed.  Almost everyone feels this way at least on occasion.

4.             Loss – no matter how much we gain in this life, no matter how full life can fill us, it’s always such a gaping hole when we experience loss, and that pain we feel is horrendous.

5.             Nobody understands – it’s normal to feel at times as if nobody understands.  How could they?  They’re not us.  The truth is, nobody understands.  This is proven in the fact that we, ourselves, don’t fully understand.

6.             Dying – it’s normal to feel like our life is ebbing away and we could be drawing in our last breath, yet we’re considered pariahs if we even mention it.

7.             Uncomfortable in one’s own skin – it always looks like others are comfortable in their own skin but think of how it feels to be physically human.

8.             Family – we miss them terribly when they’re not around, but we take them for granted otherwise.  It’s not cool to be truthful about this, however.

9.             Money – no matter how comfortable we are, money and the cost of living are always concerns.  We know we shouldn’t get anxious, but we do.

10.          What we can’t change – there are sayings like “Let go and let God” but simply letting go can feel impossible.  There are always things at any given time that we just can’t change.  Nobody ever says that this is both normal and okay.

11.          Doubt – “fake it till you make it” is the slogan.  It’s socially unacceptable to lack confidence.  But to doubt ourselves, to err, is to be human.

12.          Show off – we all want to show off the glittery parts of us, and we most want to do it when we’re feeling a little shaky.

13.          Body Image – wow, I left this until the penultimate, but the fact is we’re the ones who notice the smallest blemish about ourselves that nobody else can see because they’re too busy noticing their own blemishes.

14.          People – scare us.  We don’t worry about those we feel safe with, but we carry a sharp sense of concern about even the absence of those we’re fearful about.



What would you put down as point 15 or 16?

The fact is there are so many things that we all or most of us feel but so rarely have the courage to acknowledge.

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