Saturday, September 16, 2023

True healers – humility and connection

Humility and connection advance the cause of recovery and healing.  I’ve seen it so many times in my own life, in the lives of those I’ve helped, and in others’ lives that have been helped.  

The moment we are honest enough to accept help 
is the moment from which our recovery and healing starts.

We must put our hand up when we are struggling 
and say, “I need help” or we will continue to flounder.

When we are enduring a dark night of the soul, it is terrifying how constrictive our vision becomes.  As if entering a tunnel of doom, we feel more and more disempowered and alone the further we run without reaching up and reaching out.  

The worst thing we can do is say, “I got this!” 
when just a little help would work wonders.

Of course, we need the RIGHT 
sort of help to be at our disposal.

I have said it many times over the years, depression for me is always recognised with the fight trigger.  It is always the irritable and nonsensical reaction to something out of my control that revealed to me my sad plight.  

Whenever I’m of good mental health it is easy to acknowledge what is beyond my control.  Joy and hope and my peace, they are my constant companions.  But when that dark cloud forms over my head, all grasp of joy, hope and peace disappears as if they were never mine!

The humility to put our hand up and simply say, “I’m struggling just now accepting what I cannot change,” is a masterstroke circuit-breaker in entering the connection of help that will ultimately heal us.

To have a person simply sit with us and listen to how impossible life seems is the connection that will eventually heal us, propelling us on our road to recovery.  

The best reality by far is to be in a life situation where joy, hope, and peace abide, and there is space and the will to help through the listening and encouragement we all know helps.

Humility begins from within, to recognise 
we would prosper with some help—to receive it.

Connection will do its job when we can 
rest in the comfort of trustworthy others.


A final word – the receiving of help does not come with an entitled spirit.  It comes with a grateful, humble spirit.  Equally, the help that helps is a humble and safe help, without the spirit of entitlement about it.  Entitlement destroys all hope of healing.

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