Clang goes the dishes into their cupboards, “huff” grates the person crashing them away, and slam goes their door when the job’s complete; out they go! It’s a familiar but embarrassing story that we all identify with. Without notice, we can all become typhoons without cause. We are vaguely conscious how illogical we’re being.
~Stepping Outside this Situation~
What is it standing on the other side of the room? We see it faintly and must move closer... wait... it looks like Patience. And so it is!
Anger and patience span the known world. They look apart from, and cannot understand each other. Each has logic that seems weirdly incongruent to the other.
Such is life as it appears.
Achieving Patience
There appears no shortcut to patience, but just to know it’s the opposite reality to sinful anger gives us the motive to grow it.
How will we know we’ve arrived at patience?
In the midst of trial and chaos we will be found smiling; not with gritted teeth, but a genuine smile of joy to know that this too shall pass as all trials do.
This smile knows somehow the power of victory to remain resilient. It doesn’t lose hope despite unpleasantness.
Smiling, from without or within, and both it seems, is our patience key performance indicator... that, with God, we’re winning this battle against our anger.
Patience – the Perfect Retribution for Anger
Anger is a corrosive element destroying many things; it is patience that gets us achieving what was once impossible. Even for those of us that rarely blow up, perhaps holding onto our anger, which only corrodes our insides, patience is a beautiful blessing of God to bestow on ourselves.
Patience has a way of getting anger back—the best way possible. It gets anger back by making friends with it, and not for one moment presenting a threat. Patience calms anger, conforming it into itself through understanding.
Understanding is always the key.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
Graphic Credit: Discover Lake Louise.