Pod of dolphins swims on past,
Grace with which commands our stares,
Rare the sight it makes us gasp,
Mystery by which abounds our cares.
Elegant eagles glide high in the sky,
Sight of which we sense the awe,
Fear of ignorance we must decry,
Beautiful majesty instead to draw.
Any number of wonderful things,
Seen adorned at nature’s step,
About which humankind clings,
One for sure to grow adept.
Creation’s existence we do but hope,
Maintains its height of admirable poise,
Beyond the realm of evil’s scope,
The faintest declaration – the Lord deploys.
How peculiar that we’re awed by things commonly seen in nature. It’s like God’s got the distinct ability to wrestle our attention. As I gazed from my office window at the call of a colleague on a sunny summer’s day there in front of us was a pod of eight dolphins in the harbour. Their display—to do just what dolphins always do—was stunning. We were awed beyond normalcy.
God in nature is a feast for the senses. How much more visible can the Lord make himself than via the created works of his Divine hand?
Getting in Amongst Nature Every Day
This is our opportunity—to take part in the living of the natural life.
In the case of the eagle close up—or the crocodile, typhoon or elephant—we’re tempted into a fury of fear for the expected dangers presented by each. In that too is awe; for what might happen to us at the hand of such dangers.
Still, wonder it is that presents. Captivated in our imaginations, the mind soars at the majestic beauty of things that just are. Each day of our thousands spent here on a sanctuary called “Earth” there are bountiful displays of God’s creative miracle; much more than the mind can begin to fathom.
Divine Balance – Called At Some Stage to End
Nothing in evil’s domain stops the creative venture. Only by God’s faintest whisper does creation continue and through it ‘til the end.
Facts of the dolphin and eagle just propound the fact of the Lord’s skill at succouring our understanding of just how special it is to be alive—yes, right now!
We don’t know when it will end—for ourselves as individuals, or the cosmos at large—but whilst it pervades, this earthly life’s to be enjoyed.
Live and let live.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
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