One of our biggest problems is a lack of understanding. In conflict our purpose is confused for something heinous in low trust situations—they don’t understand us, and we not, them.
Then there’s a broader scope of misunderstanding breeding loneliness, isolation, and fatigue from a lack of love. We are fortunate there is one who knows and understands us back to front and inside out.
Being Near God
“... for me it is good to be near God.”
~Psalm 73:28a (NRSV).
Intimacy with God helps us when there is precious little intimacy coming our way from our other relationships. The paradox is, as we feel less intimacy coming to us we, too, are transmitting a less-than-intimate persona to others, also.
A lack of felt intimacy breeds self-consciousness.
Being near God helps us reacquaint with intimacy. There is an opulence of freshness in the lashings of love bestowed on us by the Lord. Such an inexplicable thing, due just our willingness to step into the fold of God’s Presence, is confidence and joy; a lightness of spirit and a skip in the gait overcomes our desolation.
Something To Look Forward To
If nobody but God can know us, truly, intimately, we have much to look forward to at the end of our worldly lives. As our physical bodies fester and decay we’re reminded of not just the ageing process, but that the temporary is making quick way for the eternal; real, everlasting blessing.
Having eternity to look forward to isn’t something that brightens most people from within; even many Christians, if truth were to be told, would rather not leave here.
We have a Lord who knows us better than we even know ourselves. Others—even close others in our immediate families—come a distant third to understanding us in a way we need to be known.
Returning home after a long trip overseas is long yearned for, and the gratification is unspeakable when it takes place. We are here in a strange and foreign place, far from the intimacy God would like for us. Going home is something to look forward to. Soon it will occur!
In the meantime...
Reciprocating the Love
As we are reminded of the goodness in love, and the implicit intimacy of God, we have the opportunity to return to the Lord our own pleasant sacrifices of willed affection.
The key issue in returning to God such intimate blessings of thankfulness and praise is what God does for us in restoring our abilities around intimacy. Reciprocating in love is doing ourselves a huge service.
No one knows me or you better than God. And the Lord throws down the gauntlet of blessing: “Will you come, now, and know me?” says the Lord.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
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