Anger boils within for no apparent reason. And it’s not as if anyone else knows about it. Something’s not quite right and our soul is aflutter trying to make sense of it all. Such emotion causes fear when fear is the last thing we need. Even for an hour or a day; sound familiar?
With some disparate feelings there’s no telling the source, which only contributes to our confusion and anger.
But we can know something deep within us is going unheard.
Patience in the moment of agitation is enough to know we can’t know everything—not even about ourselves (especially that—our person!).
Some moments, be they a minute, an hour, or a day, just won’t be reconciled. Where we want to be seen as logical and credible, we are instead, inappropriate and embarrassing. When we want to think straight, the mind is all at sea.
Times like these we feel like crawling into a closet. We need to be left alone. They remind us of how fragile our emotional and spiritual world is.
But times like these pass. As quickly as they came they are gone.
Calming the spirit’s disquiet is seeking solace in Help. Draw near to God and God will draw near to you (James 4:8). A moment’s patience when the world is bending.
Good sense is never too far away, even during these stark times. Surrender to the faint sound of good sense and just enough space for the moment is ours.
© 2011 S. J. Wickham.
Graphic Credit: Tree With Agitated Sky by John Terwilliger.
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